W E   P R O M O T E

Healthy Eating

At Betts Park Pre-School we believe the food environment we create for the children is important and will support them in developing healthy behaviours around how, when and why they eat. We aim to encourage the development of lifelong positive attitudes towards food. 

Both snack time and lunch time are group activities where children and staff can sit down together. Snacks provided at preschool include fruit and vegetables, milk and cheese, oatcakes, rice cakes and breadsticks. We ensure that fresh drinking water is available at all times.

Parents/carers are asked to provide healthy, balanced lunches for their children and to include only water as a drink. Due to the risk of allergies children are not permitted to swap or share food. An ice pack should be provided during summer months.  When packing lunch boxes, we suggest that parents/carers:

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Healthy Portions

Only include small portions of foods that are high in sugar, saturated fat and/or salt.

Well Balanced

Consider how any foods that are high in sugar, saturated fat and/or salt fit into the balance of foods a child is eating over a day.

Suitably Sized

Try not to pack more food than your child can eat. We encourage parents to discuss any worries they may have with their child’s Keyworker.
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Avoidance of Juice Drinks

Due to the strong link with the development of tooth decay we ask parents to provide water only in packed lunches. A reusable water bottle also reduces packaging waste.
We understand that ensuring a child has eaten an appropriate amount, and is happy around snack and mealtimes, can be a source of concern. Therefore, we encourage parents to discuss any worries they may have with their child’s Keyworker.

Parents/carers are asked to inform Bettspark Preschool of their children’s dietary requirements at the time of registration and to keep this updated.
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